2022 10 to 12 Tobago Grenada – Martinique and back to Grenada

It goes to Grenada/Grenadien/Martinique and back

It’s that time again, the hurricane time is over and I have to leave sadly Tobago, but I come back guaranteed next year, such a dreamlike island, that is pure Caribbean !!! Charlettville has done it to me especially, a beautiful bay, the landscape and people ingenious.

Back to Mount Irvine Bay, with Germans together to Scarbarough to clear out, immigration then Custum, exit managed. Then I had homework , the day before a hot water hose from the engine is torn and of course I had this hose big not on board. About 2 hours looking , about a good 20 stores expired , until I finally found in a small hardware store a heating department( in the Caribbean) , which had hot water hoses . Back to the yacht , battle fit , engine could run again.

15:00 start into the night , 70 nm to Grenada , Prickelt Bay with the indication , from the east extremely strong current of 4-5 kt. Thus I had a fabulous offset of over 60 degrees , normal course 310 degrees , offset course 10% , just crazy. Full moon , 15-20 kt of wind and a dreamlike night stroke . This is how sailing should always be.

Grenada government has now also drastically reduced the entry points, there are only two places to enter , main island Port Luise and Corriacou , Tyrrel Bay.

Cleared in the same day, to my favorite ice cream parlor – licking ice cream – and check the general situation, hairdresser was also darn. Round day.

Prepare the yacht for the next guests, so that the trip is round. I was shopping felt 4 times until I had everything together.

Then it went with the crew to Carriacou, Tyrrel Bay, up to the north to Anse La Roche, cool location with great lobster food, continue to Union Island short entry into the Grenadine, continue to Mayreau, with views into the Tobago Cays, a dream !!!

Start to Canouan in a very expensive marina “Sandy Lane Yacht Club” you must have seen and then once around the peninsula to the locals, to the normal bay. Walk around the market and on the island and at the harbor pub at the Canadian a beer . Dream , a really great sunset again.

Northernmost point Bequia, Port Elisabeth, Beachtag , stroll through the small village. Caribbean feeling pure.

We sailed south again to the Tobago Cays.
2 days relaxing, snorkeling some hiking and a standard Lobster meal, is mandatory here.
– From 1.1.2023 go here the prices for the nature park by about 200% up, just got the information from the government, too bad !!!

Continue to Union clear out and try two new bays, Frigate Island and Chathman Bay. Both great places , though I liked Chathman Bay better.

We sailed on to Petit Martinique , private island , to enter the bar must pay each visitor 100 dollars, in addition, of course, the drink must be paid. We have of course not made !!! Crazy conditions on some islands.

Further into a new bay on Carriacou, Hillsborough. Well, not so mine, small not so beautiful place.

Strong storms announce themselves over 5-7 days, I had to plan again, either wait until these storms have passed through, or a short-term decision to return to Grenada, so that my crew creates your plane back. This would give you time to explore Grenada, which is also great, waterfalls, great beaches.

I chose the latter decision , so it was on a 50sm day course back to Grenada , Tyrrel Bay.

Clear in again in Port Luise , sightseeing and exploring the island a bit. And already 3 weeks were over.

Single-handed we immediately went on to Martinique in 4 day’s beat , which had it in itself to bunker provisions.

First beat to Union , Chathman Bay good 50sm, after 25 sm smaller bigger misfortune, a screw of the hydraulic sail system had loosened, thus the lower deck of the main sail was loose, sailing without main sail 25 sm were still in front of me , wind hard to 40% , until then I can only sail the genoa sail. It was a banges trembling , 18:00 o’clock fell the anchor , fortunately.

Night work stood to repair the hydraulic system. 21:00 o’clock was again everything in order and I could sail further.

Second beat to St,Vincent , Chateaubelair , good 50sm everything was fine , anchor dropped 17:30 .Great sailing day.

Third beat ,St Lucia Rodney Bay 50sm , anchor dropped 17:30 off Pigion Island.

Fourth beat Martinique 25sm , Le Marin , off Leader Price shopping market – dropped anchor . Done !!!

Four days I shopped, got spare parts, German skipper meeting, two days to relax to
St. Anne, there I was repaired by French friends my bimini and sprayhood – since June I rattled off to it sailmakers in each country, no one wanted to repair it to me – .

On to Fort de France a doctor’s visit in the university clinic was pending, I had gotten sun allergy, the doctor should look over it. It was not so bad, I received a few ointments and tablets, after 2 days everything was again in the green area.

It went on to acquaintances to Mitan, short “hello” and further to Grand Anse dÀrlet. Here already announced the new weather system , 0 wind for many days and a strange wave situation.

I decided but still to sail to St.Lucia ..to “motorn” because I can bunker there much cheaper fuel and wait in Rodney Bay until the wind starts again.

So I motored to St.Lucia, wind 1-3 knots, wave but from behind, so it was only 5 hours for the 25 nm, clear in, refuel and out into the bay.

Here I lie now and wait until Wednesday , then the wind should start again.

It goes on to Grenada, my Christmas duck is waiting for me there!

New sailing trips 2023 I have planned for you. Look in my profile under event !

If you have any questions, I’m happy to help, I live now over 4 years in the Caribbean between Antigua and Trinidad, I know every island, almost every bay and many insider tips I have for you.

I look forward to your messages.

Have a nice third advent !

Skipper Sven


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